Gather. Grow. Go.
In striving for excellence in all aspects of life, Trinity Christian School aims for a level of athletic performance that will produce winning seasons and the opportunity to compete. However, it is understood that success will be based not on winning but character development. Our mission will maintain that athletes be students first, and that they benefit from Trinity Christian School's academic provisions and make progress toward a degree.
Trinity Christian School is committed to the physical and emotional well-being of student-athletes and to the development of the entire person. Many demands are placed on students, and we are committed to providing support to help them manage these demands and get the most out of their academic and athletic experience. Student-athletes are expected to adhere to a level of conduct that represents themselves and Trinity Christian School well, and uphold the values of citizenship, service, and Christ.
For scheduling, contact the school at admin@tcssaints.org
Athletics offered: For forms, click below:
Concussion and Sudden Cardiac Arrest Information